Services and Facilities

The Parish Council provides the following direct local services, most other services in the local area are provided either by the Resident’s Management Company, West Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council.

Any concerns about health and safety should be immediately reported to the Parish Clerk (or a councillor in their absence). This includes the Ball Park site.

A list of the services is provided below. An up-to-date version of the Council’s Asset Register can be downloaded from this website – click here.

Maintenance of Green Spaces – the Parish Council has a number of parcels of land scattered around the village.

Maintenance of the Ball Park – The Ball park is situated near the old community centre and was opened in May 2015.

Maintenance & Improvement of the Play Parks - In 2023 the Parish Council adopted the Play Parks, we are actively maintaining them and looking for funding and Ideas to improve them.

Maintenance of the Parade Ground Memorial – In 2015 the Parade Ground Memorial, as well as the planters and seating around it were transferred to the Parish Council.

Provision and maintenance of two bus stops at Dog Kennel Lane and opposite the post office (A631)

Provision of grit bins and grit – the Parish Council provides 8 grit bins around the parish to help make pavements and roads safer in winter.

Maintenance of two notice boards - One in the Bus Stop at Dog Kennel Road and outside the post office (A631).

Planning Consultation - The Parish Council is a “statutory consultee” to most local planning applications, however the final decisions on all planning matters are made by the District Council.  
